Mawn is a little Pixie who worships Makim. He would follow him around all day if he had the strength in his leg. He needs a crutch to walk and often will hold his head down through embarrassment. He is considered disabled by some, but actively rejects this label, preferring to be as ‘normal’ as possible. Sometimes Mawn feels low and sad and wonders what he did to deserve the challenges that seem to face him. He slowly learns through his journey that the challenges are in fact opportunities and he blossoms as a result of this knowledge. He loves to dance but is too embarrassed to do so in front of others, so often disappears into the Magic Wood to dance alone. He realizes when he dances that he doesn’t need his crutch and begins to recognise that every single person has the ability to change their situations in life. As he increases the energies he sends out to the Universe and raises his vibration to one of joy, so his understanding and acceptance grows.