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Elgin is a beautiful Cayuga duck, with the softest green plumage you have ever seen. When Gwanfwee is turned into a duck by Wigan, Elgin inherits his personality until the spell wears off. Elgin hisses and spits at people and will chase them round and round until they run away in fear! He is quite befuddled by the whole episode and when he gets his own personality back, he has memories of not being very nice, which cause him to worry. He is constantly apologizing to people as he thinks he may have upset them when he was turned into Gwanfwee. 

Elgin is usually quite a sweetie and loves nothing more than paddling around in the water, especially if he is with Fergal. The two of them are great friends and can spend hours just sitting together and telling jokes that nobody else understands! Fergal also understands how anxious Elgin can be and knows that anxiety can make you quite unwell. Elgin lives in the Magic Wood usually, but often waddles over to the Cragbodells as he feels quite sorry for Gwanfwee. He really has had some experience of living in Gwanfwee's shoes and cannot help thinking how lonely he must be. Gwanfwee is surprisingly very patient with Elgin and doesn't chase him away when he visits. He actually threw him a crust of bread once and Elgin has never forgotten this kind gesture. Because their names are so similar, Elgin is often mistaken for Elrig the Wizard and this always makes him chuckle to himself!

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