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Schlocks are similar to toadstools, shaped like mushrooms and incredibly valuable. If you are able to pick them effortlessly, you are thought to be very wise and very wealthy. They grow in the Magic Wood in their thousands, but are not always seen. The most beautiful jewels sit on top of them and the important thing to remember about them is that they represent Abundance in the Universe. They are actually there all the time, just waiting to be picked and there are more than enough for everyone. They give off a very high energy and if your energy matches theirs, you will see them and be able to pick them to your heart’s desire. Some people can see them, but are unable to pick them, some people pick them without even thinking about it and some people imagine how it feels to have them as they know that eventually they will appear to them. Schlocks absolutely love the feelings of gratitude that people give off when they find them, so when you are grateful; they grow in even more abundance! They dislike being picked just to pay the Zanskee rocks and will disappear from view if they believe this to be the case.

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