The Magic Wood
The Magic Wood can be found near the oldest standing stone circle in England. By the roadside is an oak tree thought to be over a thousand years old! Inside this oak tree lives Groolibee who moved in a hundred years ago with her husband Torreth. They live with their daughter Wigan and many other pixies, elves, fairies, insects and animals. It’s a place filled with love and compassion and if you listen carefully, you can hear music and laughter echoing around the wood as they all play and learn to their hearts content. The Magic Wood itself cannot be less than a thousand years old, as it was mentioned in a Saxon Charter in 934 AD and at least seven thousand trees now live there. They are mostly Oak, Beech, Sycamore, Sweet Chestnut and Maple and the light from the trees if you walk in the sunshine is absolutely captivating, with dappled shadows and a myriad of colour from dancing leaves.